I am a Computer Science major at Carleton College, and my portfolio will give you an overview of the projects I’ve worked on both at and outside of Carleton. It focuses largely on data analytics, machine learning, and game development. For a list of everything I’ve worked on, check my GitHub or LinkedIn page.


I’ve studied a variety of disciplines at Carleton, both in the sciences and the humanities. I’m interested in data analytics and machine learning, and dabble in game development and blockchain technology. I am also interested in history and education, and making people’s lives easier and better using technology.


This portfolio is divided into three sections based on my minor threads. They are rather broad so there will definitely be some common ground between them, but that only goes to show how difficult it is to categorize a field such as digital humanities. Everything is related to everything else, so putting my work into distinct categories was difficult.
The Gaming section contains all projects I worked on that involved me building games and software related to games. The Data Analysis section has all my work with data. Both analyzing data as well as making models to predict outcomes based on said data. The Digital Pedagogy section includes all the projects I have worked on that relate to sharing information for educational purposes.
